By Us: Publications by Vancouver Women’s Caucus.

- An Account to Settle: The Story of the United Bank Workers (SORWUC). Pages 1-33. By the Bank Book Collective. Press Gang Publishers, Vancouver (1979)
- An Account to Settle: The Story of the United Bank Workers (SORWUC). Pages 33-66. By the Bank Book Collective. Press Gang Publishers, Vancouver (1979)
- AUCE winning at UBC by Drena McCormack in Western Voice newspaper (21 Nov. – 4 Dec. 1973)
- Canadian Trade Unions by Cathy Walker
- Children Are Only Little People by Melody Kilian
- Concerns About Strategy in Women’s Caucus by Andrea Lebowitz, Anne Roberts and Margaret Benston (1971)
- Cuz There Ain’t No Daycare (Or Almost None She Said) by Marcy Cohen, Nancy Duggan, Carol Sayre, Barbara Todd, and Nikki Wright. Press Gang Publishers, Vancouver, B.C. Summer 1973.
- Decision-Making in Women’s Caucus: How to Increase Participation and Involvement by Pat Hoffer. (Sept.-Dec. 1969)
- Defend Democracy is Women’s Caucus by YS/LSA – Joan Campana, Mary Trew, Cynthia Flood, and Linda Meissesheimer (Aug. 1970)
- Education as a Priority by Pat Hoffer (Davitt) and Marcy Cohen
- “Getting Organized: The Feminist Unions in Still Ain’t Satisfied! Canadian Feminism Today” by Jackie Ainsworth, Ann Hutchison, Susan Margaret, Michele Pujol, Sheila Perret, Mary Jean Rands, Star Rosenthal in Still Ain’t Satisfied: Canadian Feminism Today, Edited by Maureen Fitzgeald, Connie Guberman, Margie Wolfe. The Women’s Press. (1982)
- A Guide to Vancouver Women’s Caucus: “action areas.” Workshops, committees, structure – a rough draft by Margaret Benston? (1969 or 70)
- Individualism vs. a Mass Movement by Carole Mortenson, Jean Rands and Margaret Benston (June 1970)
- An Indochinese Conference in Vancouver by Kathleen Gough Aberle in Bulletin of Concerned Asian Scholars, Double Issue: Summer-Fall 1971. Vol. 3, No. 3 – Vol.3, No. 4. pp. 2-29.
- The Leaflet, Vol. 7, No. 8 “Boycott Cunningham’s”
- Lesbians Belong in the Women’s Movement by D.J. O’Donnell in Women Unite, An Anthology of the Canadian Women’s Movement. Toronto: Canadian Women’s Educational Press, 1972.
- Letter from Working Women’s Association to BC Atty General protesting aspects of trial of Quesnel men for rape of 17-year-old native woman. (5 Feb. 1973).
- Letter from the Professional Women’s … (Western Regional Planning Conference, Oct. 1970) Margaret Benston.
- Never Done: Three Centuries of Women’s Work in Canada by Corrective Collective (Patricia Davitt, Colette French, Marge Hollibaugh, Andrea Lebowitz, Barbara Todd). Canadian Women’s Educational Press. 1974.
- Notes on Western Regional Planning Conference (Oct. 11-13, 1970) by Cynthia Flood.
- The Political Economy of Women’s Liberation by Margaret Benston.
- Politics in Women’s Liberation: Is It Necessary? By Anne Roberts.
- Poverty, Canada’s Legacy to Women by Alice James (Mar. 1969).
- The Problem of Priorities by Jean Rands (1969).
- Proposal for Action – Cross-Country Day of Protest Against the Abortion Laws and Free Abortion on Demand by Mary Trew (1970).
- Proposal for Women’s Studies Program 1974 at SFU by Margaret Benston, Andrea Lebowitz and 8 others.
- Proposal for the Organization of SFU Women’s Caucus by Sharon Yandle and Margaret Benston (July 1969? Or 1970?).
- Report Back to Simon Fraser Left About Women’s Caucus Summer Organizing by Marcy Cohen and Jean Rands (1969).
- The Rising of the Women Means the Rising of the Race (20 June 1970) by Maxine Schnee, Dodie Weppler, Marcy Cohen, DJ O’Donnell, Margaret Douglas, Janis Nairne, Judy Darcy, Ellen Woodsworth, Gwen Hauser, Dawn Carroll, Collette Malon, Margo Dunn, Jody Berland, Willa Marcus, Vicki Brown, Lena Karistedt, Sharmon Kanee, Barb Beckerman, Gail Madill, Bonita Beckman, Sue Claus, Marge Hollibaugh, Betty Madill.
Cover: She named it Canada - She Named It Canada, Because That’s What It Was Called by Corrective Collective (Patricia Davitt, Colette French, Marge Hollibaugh, Andrea Lebowitz, Barbara Todd, Karen Cameron and Cathy Walker) 1971.
- Single Working Women and the Industrial Revolution by Margaret Benston and Pat Davitt. Makara. Pacific Women’s Graphics. 1978.
- Socialist Woman by Sharon Yandle.
- A Socialist Perspective on Women’s Liberation by Sharon Stevenson (Nov. 1972).
- Some General Considerations About Women, Sex and Society, or Why the Women’s Caucus has Something Called Right to Choose in Its General Program by Margaret Benston. (Aug. 1969).
- Towards a Strategy by Melody Kilian.
- Toward an Organization of Working Women. Discussion paper for Working Women Workshop by Jean Rands (June 1970).
- Vancouver Women’s Caucus Newsletters: August 1969 – February 1971
- The Way Forward – How to Build a Mass Movement by YS and LSA (1970).
- What Defines Women? The Family as Production Unit by Margaret Benston.
- Women in Evolution by Kathleen Gough Aberle.
- Women Invent Society by Margaret Benston and Pat Davitt in Canadian Dimension. June 1975
- Women: Status, Class and Caste (Draft) by Maggie Benston, F-126-1002. pp 1-17
- Women Teachers and the Educational Process, Or, It’s Something You Can Always Fall Back On by Marcy Cohen? (Feb-May 1970).
- Women: A Socialist Perspective by Jean Rands.
- Women and Children (6 Mar. ?) Symposium at UBC and Vancouver Art Gallery.
- Women’s Caucus Action Areas: A Proposal for Re-Organization of Women’s Caucus (1969-1970).
- Women’s Caucus: A History and Analysis. (June 1968 to November 1970) by Maggie Benston.
- Women’s Caucus and the YS/LSA: a majority view by Bouk Elzinga, Jean Rands, Anne Roberts and others (Aug. 1970).
- Women’s Liberation Movement: An Introduction (1969?).
- The Women’s Liberation Movement. Why It Started and What is Happening in Vancouver by Margaret Benston? (1969-1970).
- Women—Class Struggle by Dara Culhane in discussion with Kay Ryan, Fran Gillis, and Helen Mintz.
- Women’s Liberation Small Groups … and you.
- Women’s Work by Working Women’s Association.
- Working in Hospitals by Working Women’s Association.
- Working Women’s Association members who belonged to a union. (1972-73?).
- Working Women’s Association newsletters (Nov. 1972, Jan. 1973).
- The Working Women’s Association – une petite histoire – draft (27 May 1973).