Corrective Collective

An Interview with Corrective Collective member Pat Davitt

Tell us about the process of creating She Named it Canada. How did you come up with the idea? How did you do the research/writing/etc.?

SNIC was prepared for the Indochinese Women’s Conference held in Vancouver. . . . This was a travelling road show of North Vietnamese women who wanted access to American women to tell their side of the story of the on-going Vietnam conflict. However, SNIC was not addressed to the North Vietnamese contingent but was intended for the education of our American sisters, who in the prep-work for this conference exhibited a remarkably deficient understanding of Canada as a separate country (from the U.S.) with a separate history quite different than their own, and with all that those differences mean – different money, a border with border guards that you have to plan for (as in hiding any subversive, i.e. political materials) etc. SNIC was intended to give them a slightly better understanding of their wonderful neighbour to the north. Read more.

Andrea Pinto Lebowitz Archive Collection

The material in this collection largely contains records of the Corrective Collective, a feminist writing group active in the 1970’s. in addition to its immediate interest, the material also has some bearing on the feminist publishing of the 1970’s, including the creation of feminist presses; the importance of writing for second-wave feminists; small Canadian publishing houses of the period; and educational book buying by Public School Boards. Read more.

Cover: She named it Canada

Cover: Never Done